Bible Belt Bros
The Bible Belt Bros podcast is a new Christian podcast for men that is both informative and entertaining. Hosted by Dusty Hope and Andrew Fisher, two lifelong friends who share a passion for church and Christianity, this podcast challenges the way we think about church and some of the traditional practices we do, all while keeping things light and funny. Bible Belt Bros is the perfect podcast for men who want to engage with their faith in a fun and engaging way. Each episode is packed with insightful commentary and lively banter, making it a great listen for both longtime churchgoers and new Christians. Whether you’re looking for a new Christian podcast for men to add to your playlist or just want a good laugh while exploring your faith, Bible Belt Bros is the perfect choice. So tune in today and join the conversation!

Sunday Mar 09, 2025
Sunday Mar 09, 2025
In this episode of the Bible Belt Bros podcast, Dusty and Andrew discussed the competitive nature of church life and Christian service commitments. They shared personal experiences about their Bible study habits, with Andrew mentioning 388 consecutive weeks on the YouVersion app (2,716 days). The conversation shifted to a recent situation in their church's youth ministry group chat regarding an Elevation Worship concert on a Wednesday night. Dusty described how the discussion evolved into a debate about who was the 'better Christian' based on attendance at church versus the concert. They explored themes of church commitments, financial considerations and the challenges of balancing personal convictions with community expectations. The hosts also discussed how different interpretations of faith and practice can lead to division within church communities, emphasizing the importance of understanding different perspectives while maintaining unity in the Spirit.

Monday Feb 03, 2025
From Workplace to Worship: Balancing Christian Business Values and Profits
Monday Feb 03, 2025
Monday Feb 03, 2025
On this episode of Bible Belt Bros, Dusty steps in solo as Andrew recovers from illness. He's joined by his workplace colleague Dave for an insightful discussion about navigating the intersection of Christian faith and business success. The two share their perspectives on maintaining spiritual values while building profitable businesses, dive into the complexities of determining self-worth and product value in today's market, and lighten things up with entertaining stories from their marketing adventures at the office. Whether you're an entrepreneur, person of faith, or just enjoy authentic conversation, this episode offers practical wisdom wrapped in genuine workplace camaraderie.
Check out Dave's nice side hustle | Small Town Travel Guide

Monday Jan 27, 2025
Is Sunday School Dead?
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Dusty and Andrew examine how Sunday School has changed in modern churches, weighing the pros and cons of different approaches they've experienced. This episode covers the transition from traditional Sunday School to contemporary formats, featuring their firsthand stories and observations of what's working and what isn't in church education.

Monday Jan 20, 2025
What Happens When a Pastor Leaves the Church
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Today, we're diving headfirst into a topic that's bound to stir up some feelings: what happens when a pastor leaves the church?
We're talking all things messy – the emotional fallout, the unexpected drama, and how these situations can tear a congregation apart. Dusty and Andrew share their own experiences, both the good and the bad, and we'll be getting real about how people react when their spiritual leader steps down.

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Brett Mortaruolo’s Testimony
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
It's easy to think that "I'm the only one dealing with this battle," but honestly, you're not alone. It may not be the exact same issue, but the root is the same. We ALL are fallen. We ALL are in need of a savior. We ALL have a battle.
So it's time to TESTIFY! In this episode, Brett Mortaruolo shares his story in hopes that you will realize that, no matter the battle, you're not alone.

Monday Dec 13, 2021
What if God isn‘t Real?
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
In this episode, we catch up from a couple weeks off. Dusty is upset that Andrew doesn't have Christmas Spirit aka Christmas Lights up at his house. We also dive into the question, "What if God isn't Real?" How would that affect our life?
About the Bible Belt Bros Podcast.
The Bible Belt Bros podcast is a new Christian podcast for men that is both informative and entertaining. Hosted by Dusty Hope and Andrew Fisher, two lifelong friends who share a passion for church and Christianity, this podcast challenges the way we think about church and some of the traditional practices we do, all while keeping things light and funny.
Bible Belt Bros is the perfect podcast for men who want to engage with their faith in a fun and engaging way. Each episode is packed with insightful commentary and lively banter, making it a great listen for both longtime churchgoers and new Christians.
Whether you're looking for a new Christian podcast for men to add to your playlist or just want a good laugh while exploring your faith, Bible Belt Bros is the perfect choice. So tune in today and join the conversation!

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Do You Have Faith Like a Dog?
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
This weeks sponsor is the Jack Russell Parents Podcast! This podcast celebrates Jack Russell Terrier dogs and the joys of companionship with canines of every kind. Each week The Jack Russell Parents Podcast explores all the hilarious, heartfelt, and harrowing stories that only dog parents can truly relate to.
Their podcast sparks a conversation about Dog obedience and if it's similar to our faith in Christ. Are we obeying God out of love, fear, trust, or for the rewards? Then in typical fashion, we get sidetracked talking about Aaron Rodgers, grounding our kids, and Fantasy Football. Enjoy :-)
About the Bible Belt Bros Podcast.
The Bible Belt Bros podcast is a new Christian podcast for men that is both informative and entertaining. Hosted by Dusty Hope and Andrew Fisher, two lifelong friends who share a passion for church and Christianity, this podcast challenges the way we think about church and some of the traditional practices we do, all while keeping things light and funny.
Bible Belt Bros is the perfect podcast for men who want to engage with their faith in a fun and engaging way. Each episode is packed with insightful commentary and lively banter, making it a great listen for both longtime churchgoers and new Christians.
Whether you're looking for a new Christian podcast for men to add to your playlist or just want a good laugh while exploring your faith, Bible Belt Bros is the perfect choice. So tune in today and join the conversation!

Monday Nov 01, 2021
DUPID Things Dusty and Andrew Say to Their Wives
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
If you haven't learned by now... Andrew and Dusty say some DUPID things. We love to say them to our wives as well :-)
So this episode is a round-a-bout topic of forgiveness as we share some dumb things we've said to our wives.
Here's the transcript if you prefer not to hear our voices :-) Now it's auto generated... so it might not be perfect.
Hey everyone. Welcome to the Bible belt bros podcast. Getting back into the groove. I know how to do the intros now. Better practicing. So that was better. Good job. Yeah. So, well, Andrew. We're we're back here. We, we we're doing another one of these things. It took a week off because I had to work in, I was out of town and was lazy when I got back.But here we are again on schedule in the morning. Yes. May Jason coffee. Yes. And I was late, but you guys don't know that. Well, they do now. It's not always me. That is the failure in this pond today. I just wanted to go over, some, a funny story, Andrew, and I wondered a few, possibly had some say. Kind of stories.So yeah, like a week ago, two weeks ago was my birthday, 30 years old, 37. And I actually forgot to tell you happy birthday on your birthday, my friend, everybody else on Facebook that are casual acquaintances. Totally happy birthday, but not. I know, I don't really have Facebook to remind me at 37 years old, if I'm still offended by that, then I have better, bigger problems.So like, come on, like, today's my anniversary. And I had to remind my wife a couple of days ago, our anniversary is coming up and she's like, oh really? And I was like, yes. How many years am I good? Wait for Facebook to tell me that one, but it's been eight years. So I actually forgot my anniversary this year as well.Oh my gosh. We are just great husband. I think that's going to be the podcast episode today is just talking about how awesome we are as husbands. And so it's strange because. I'm the one who never forgets our anniversary. I always have to remind my wife, but this year I forgot that I forgot your birthday.Well, I didn't forget your birthday. Cause I remembered the night before because it was house church night. Oh yeah. But I was like, well, I'll tell him happy birthday tomorrow. Cause tomorrow is his actual birthday. Should've told me early. Yep, sure. And I failed. I had a real weird wreck, not a weird request.My wife was like, Hey, what do you want to eat for your birthday? And, you know, w what do you want me to make? And so I was like, I was thinking, I was like, I don't know, whatever. And then I was like, oh, cause you know, she used to bake all the time and I just love that. I mean that's I gained like 40 pounds after we met because just all the good, good bacon and, and yummy is that she used to always make things.I mean, she still makes them just not as often. And so, I had to cover myself there. She still does a great job. Um, I was like, oh, you used to make these cake balls that were just so. Freaking amazing. And I got was so addicted to them and they were just so good and I just kept going on and she was like cake balls.And I was like, yeah, I used to remember you, like you would get cake and roll up in a ball. I don't know how else to explain like hate balls are she goes, I know what cake balls are. Idiot. I never made those. So then I'm thinking I was like, Oh, no, this is a previous relationship.I was like, ah, that cake balls. So I got, I got cracked brownies. That was the thing. And that was actually mad. It was like, oh, this is way better than getting cake balls, crack brownies. That's what I was wanting the whole time. And so she was like the whole time while she's making. The brownies in the living room or in the kitchen, I'm hearing all these cake balls.So I'm digging myself out of a grave when, when it comes to asking any kind of desserts from now on, I have to, double-check not know spur of the moment. So what you're saying, go on and on and on about how much I love cake balls and like, pretend like she didn't even know what they were. And I was like, you know what cake balls are as you named me to cover for you and bring some cake balls and you like, oh, it was Andrew's cake balls.That's right. Yeah. Well, the guys that work, we're like, dude, we are sending you cake balls to your house from an anomalous, like. Like a secret and Meyer like that that's the running joke. They were all pulling their money together to send me cake poles. Then Lindsay, at work, she brought cake balls because of that story.So it was just like, oh my gosh. And then, then there was the other day, like somebody else made cake balls on Facebook or something like a week ago. And she's like, oh, I should have married her dang. I'm going to be sitting here for. I'm going to be sitting in this for quite a while. It's, it's not, it's not going anywhere, but I say a lot of stupid things.Andrew I'm too busy. I say stupid things and do bad things. And, yeah, that's, that's just one of them recently that I just, and I'm still bring up the cake balls around my life.
This got me thinking like, you know, this topic could be forgiveness because obviously our wives are very forgiving of our mistakes.And so the Christian point of this podcast is forgiveness, but Andrew, it got me thinking you do a lot of stupid things or do bad things as well. A lot of stupid things. Have you done anything like that where you kind of verbally put yourself? And I'm one of those holes that you just can't can't dig it out.I mean sort of ish. So I used to have a joke. Everybody had this joke when they were like, you know, five, they, you know, the, your mom joke, I would run that in the ground. And that was my thing. I just intentionally would run it in the ground and I would just, everybody would talk to me and they'd say something and I'd be like, your mom likes that.Or your mom does that. Your mom went to college. Yeah. Your mom went go well, Uh, this one time my wife was saying something to me and I had no idea what it was. And I finished her phrase with your mom did that or whatever. Well, just so happened. Her mom had just passed away. Oh yeah. And it's like one of those moments where you hear yourself self saying it and you're out of body trying to cover your mouth.It's like, stop you dupe it person.It just didn't stop and it kept coming out and I felt so bad. Oh, it was instant regret. So how, how, uh, how long did it take for you to live, live that day? I still don't say your mom anymore. Good idea. Your mama jokes. I've gone. Yeah. They instantly died, which they should have when I turned nine, but it's true.I remember that used to be like. Yeah, big thing. I mean, I didn't realize it was still well, and I just, I just did it just to be stupid. It's stupid. Yeah. That's the thing now that's the title is duping. It things we do, people are going to be like, oh, there's this typo. I'm like no there's not! they'll do this podcast.You would realize it was on purpose, but well, not on purpose, but now it's on purpose. Yeah. Yeah. Now I'm going to run this in the ground. Like. Oh, that's that's, that's not a fun one. I think mine is more fun. Yeah. Mine's more recent. So it's definitely more real. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yours was just like, um, accidentally did your mama joke at a bad timing?Mine was just like, come on, dude. It's been 10 years.
Most recently for our anniversary, we kinda did fake fighting this morning. And I was joking that okay. For our anniversary, when people ask us what we'll do, we said, you know, we basically just told her, we told each other what we our mad at each other or whatever.I recently been annoying. My wife. Unintentionally? No, that there's a difference in the, I do it intentionally unintentionally. I have, uh, been changing the passwords of things and not telling her. So like the other day, I couldn't get logged into her online banking. And so I changed the password to the online banking because I wanted to check a balance.That's all I wanted to do is check a balance. My wife, who does all of our accounting for our, our budget, our bill paying, everything needs, access to our accounts. And so. I just want to check one thing that I could, at least I could have just texted her like, Hey, how much money is in this account? So I don't over draft it.No, I decided to go in change password, you know? And I was like, well, it kept asking me where I went to high school and I kept hitting the right answer. And she goes dummy. It's where I went to high school. Cause I manage the account. You know, my wife does the same thing, so I, uh, I changed that password then the other day she's literally.In the next room and I changed the best bypass word cause I was trying to get logged in and it made me hit, prompted me to change it. And so she, this morning, he's like, do you change the best by a password? I'm like, you're like, you know, I was literally right there. He could have just gave me a heads up because you know, I have to pay things and I have to log into accounts to pay him.Uh, just so the most recent thing I've been doing quite often, it seems like. Changing our passwords of things and not telling her in that, that that's not a good thing. I do the same thing. Uh, even our, my bank account password. Here's my thought is it's my wife. She works there. She can just look at her computer anytime to see what is in our account.I can't do that. I literally have to log into the home banking, which I strongly dislike anyways, but it makes me change my password every single time. It doesn't matter if I type it in correctly or not. And it's been so long since. Well, my wife's always like, well, no, you're doing something wrong. And so I've done it in front of her and it prompts me to change my password.And she's like, well, you did something wrong. And I'm like, no, I did not. And so it took me doing this like three times in front of her and then she's like, okay, well then she emailed someone and escalated to the apartment. She was like, okay, it's not you like, totally. More or less story is we had no air wives.Yes, yet. Here we are still married, still alive. Somehow, still alive. I did maybe have a knife, uh, pointed at me this morning. Don't change our passwords anymore. She got more upset over that. Then you requesting cake balls from an ex. I, I mean, yeah, basically. All right. More of the story. Don't change your passwords, change the password.Yeah, I think that the gate, well, things is because now I know I'm in the hole for that one. The password is I like she had got onto me for changing the bank password. And then literally two days later I changed the best bypass word. And she's like, what, what in that, you know, like just. That's all she's asking.She's just asking for a heads up that I'm changing a password. Just, she doesn't care if I change it, right. What'd you let me know. No, my wife cares because I let Google suggest my passwords long, 16 to 20 digit random character passwords, you idiot. And she hates that, but I'm like, Hey, they're the most secure passwords.I'm never going to get hat. You know what else? Irks me or not me, but it was kind of weird. You know, people like Christmas is coming up and we're just going to be this huge fight between Christians and the world of happy holidays versus Merry Christmas, winter vacation, you know, all that kind of thing.And, but the other day I saw a church going come to our fall festival and I was like, nah, It's a Halloween party. My question is, is it right for Christians to get upset and not have a Halloween party and change the name of that holiday, but still celebrating it, you know, but then get mad. And when people do the same thing to Christmas, all of a beliefs there that I will get to here in a second.But were you at church? Oh, no. Okay. So yeah. Rusty actually said something about that from the state, from the fall festival thing. Yeah. Well he said, yeah, he said Halloween. He goes, well, I know some of you are, are sensitive to that. So whether you believe in or not, right. Our church has a Halloween costume party or is it just a costume party?And what Archer does come to church in your Halloween costume contest. We give out prizes, right? Uh, as long as it's not a vulgar costume. I think Carson, one time I had him, I let him show up as a Dementor married. Whoops parent. Anyway, dusty. Don't bring your son to church as a demon. Uh, yeah, so, so Halloween costume.All right. Keep going. I wasn't there. So then apparently I didn't even need to bring this up well, and it was just the blue at case. The tracker tree, that's all he was talking about. And so, uh, he did say, you know, it's Halloween, but I know, I know some of you don't believe in that, so, but it's just, so my thinking behind the belief of Halloween versus Christmas is one Halloween is, um, supposed to be a demonic.Holiday. I mean, it's supposed to be when the, the veil is its thinnest. And so you can talk to the other to the dead realm is supposed to be the, the meaning behind how Halloween, I forget what it's called, but there's a specific term that, um, which is, are Wiccans use, right? Uh, With Christians. We are, we believe in a real God and they really vent.And so that's where Christmas comes from. Whereas Halloween's not real well, what I'm saying, I don't care if you celebrate Halloween or not, but as a church, you are doing trunk or treat, you are going trick or treating the holiday kids dressed up like you're celebrating Halloween. And yet you're calling it fall festival, which is.But don't get mad when somebody celebrates the holidays instead of Christmas, right? When, when somebody doesn't agree with, when you don't agree with somebody who believes she don't call it by the holidays name, but when somebody doesn't call it by your beliefs, you get my problem with social media. Now.If I don't agree with you, you are a hundred percent wrong, even though like we both have, yeah, I get, I get what you're saying. I just, I just saw that the other day. And I thought that was weird. Like we're just, churches came back from a fall festival and I was like, that looks a lot like trick or treating and Halloween stuff to me, like, just call it what it is, which I still call it Halloween.But yeah. Well it's just it's I do too, like. I, I can't remember if it's true or not, but I thought, I remember hearing some sort of twist of how Halloween is also a, like, I don't know, maybe I'm making this up, but I felt like I want to know this twist. Oh gosh. I don't know. You know, how they just rewatching the.I've watched all the office. I know. But were you watching the office when you came up with this thought? I think I came up with it. I think somebody from a pulpit said something. Oh, but cause I could see it being like Duane's Dunkel or whatever, the German Christmas Santa thing. I mean, that seemed like Halloween to me.What are they used to say? It hit people with the Schmackyeah. Something like that. Yes, you should do that. We, we, we did watch nightmare before Christmas. That was our like Halloween movie, but this continent also Christmas movie, depending on what part of the movie you're in. Cause they're celebrating Christmas. Really. So movie starts at Halloween. Ends at Christie.I've never watched it. So I don't know. You like me? You love musicals. You love singing along with that is 100% Andrew's thing. High school musical one, two and three. Yep. That's me. No, I just thought that was, you know, as we celebrate, we're celebrating Halloween as Christians or do we just we're S we're not we're no, we're celebrating you fall festival dusty.We don't celebrate anything. We're just. Happens to be the same day as Halloween. And I happened to celebrate the same way people celebrate and be dressed up. Yeah. I just happened to be dressed up as somebody else as a pirate.Oh yeah. Are you doing anything crazy for the church costume Halloween thing? I never do. You never do no party pooper? Cause I got to go work afterwards and one time I, I shaved down my mustache and died at straight black. And I had to wear it for you. Let's talk a pedophile at aware for two different Halloween events, but that we're a week apart.So I had to go full. As a, at the time, the small business owner,jet black mustache with blonde hair just did not look well, but that's also now my Xbox profile picture. So when parents are like, who are you playing games with? And then they see my profile picture and then they, the kids immediately get. Mainly the FBI is kicking in dust. I thought like I always saw it like Halloween, just that weird where people wear masks and you can't really like, I'm surprised, not as many, not as much bad things happen on Halloween because everybody's kind of dressed up.You're kind of out of sorts as far as like. Who's who in our situation. I mean, the last two years everyone's alert been wearing a mask anyways. So go Rob a bank today. Like the guy that was spraying my house this morning was in a mask. I could not tell you what he looked like. Yup. Showed up in a van net.None of that auto marks on an unmarked car. So that dude could, the charity could be showing up here any minute, like, Hey, I'm here to spray your house and be like, oh, uh, okay, it's already been done. You've already been here. We could leave it there. I just, I wanted to kind of have some fun talking about how much our wives forgive us and some of the dumb things pull back the curtain, some of the dumb things that you and I do as a.Amazingly. No. If we pulled back the curtain, I think we may have just kind of taken a small piece in. They already kind of knew like, cause I'm way more annoying than just one thing. Uh, old your mom jokes. I would like to know from you guys, what are some things you do tell us some stories and uh, so we could laugh at you as well.And that would be, that would be amazing. Have you guys always laughing at us? We want to laugh at you. You, so tell us your deepest thing. But like saying duping on a podcast instead of stupid, over and over and over and over this beat, that dead horse beat it. Like, and you wonder why I don't put like public chest beating.Oh gosh. Okay. And you're singing. That means it's time to go have a good one guys. Happy Halloween or happy fall festival. Whichever you celebrating today. Take it easy.

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Our Favorite Nostalgia Movies Growing Up | Best Christian Movies
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
In this episode, we talk about our favorite movies that we watched growing up. Then we take a look at some of the popular Christian movies in the industry today. Finally, we show Brett why we do NOT record longer podcasts :-)
Here's a transcript if you like reading along :-)
Hey everyone. Welcome to the Bible belt bros podcast today on the show, we are talking about our favorite Christian movies, or movies in general. What did you watch growing up? Let's have some nostalgia time, but first let everybody know today is actually a morning podcast. I have my house at the usual time of morning because I've got to go play golf today.So he's filling in for me, got a reason not to go to. Yeah. It's actually a little different because we've been doing these evening podcasts. I got used to that. So now I'm a little you're out of sorts. Yeah. I'm like, I'm just on the fight right now and it doesn't help that I made you an Americana and then apparently I it's too watered down for you.So it's a little weak, but you made it. Stronger than I would normally ask. I just added more water, so I just added, oh, okay. So it's espresso and water mix. So I just, right. I filled up the cup cup thinking four shots would be a lot, which it is. Cause I always ask for a three shot Americano sissy boys for my house.Would normally, you know, that would definitely wake me up, but then I guess I see what you're saying. Yeah. I fill the cup up and it's a deep coffee cup. It's not like a small one. So, so yeah. Andrew complaints about my coffee. I didn't complain. You asked one, doesn't go saying anything. One of the things I used to do that makes my wife so not mad, but I used to say espresso as espresso, like.All the time I call it espresso. I don't even say that. E are you? And so I would order a Starbucks and I'll be like, can I get two shots of espresso plea? You know? And she'd just be so embarrassed for me, but I've figured it out. It's espresso. There's no X in the spreads. So today. Yeah, playing golf. If it doesn't rain, uh, came home yesterday to a tree fallen over in my driveway.So I had to cut that up. So now my body is sore and guys you'd be proud of him. He did not call me. I did not call you. My wife did help me, like drag him, put him on the little trailer that we pull behind the lawnmower and drag it to the burn pile. Yep. Cut it up lawn. I changed the audit, you know, I've kind of mainly it was an electric chainsaw, but it's still a chain in the saw.Yeah. The eight inch electric chainsaw. It's more like a hedge clipper. Yeah. It's more like hedge clipper, but it, uh, did the job and yeah, you got the job done. So you can't even tell the tree fell over, but, uh, you really can't. Tell that the wind blew hard. Cause there there's stuff everywhere. Cramped pots all around.Yeah. So now my body is super sore. I'm not a great golfer, just so everybody knows. Listen, guys, he's already making excuses for why he's going suck today. I haven't even, he hasn't even been there yet, but he's making an excuse. Great golfer. Andrew at the last tournament, uh, I have a pretty good slice and I played the slice.Right. I just don't fix it. Just play it. I corrected mine. Well, sometimes I correct mine when I don't mean to you when I mean to play it and instill, and then it's like, oh, that was the straightest shot I've ever hit. You better trainees, fairway. Yeah, I was on my whole 18 Andrew at the golf course. I love that whole.I was on my second shot and I apparently, I usually choke up on my iron six. Your first shot not ended up at. 18. Yeah. Do you not go across the highway? I could play my slice. I did try that. And I it's one of those that ended up going left. Dude, I go across, I tried to hit it too hard. I like the house. So you can't hit the housing addition from there?I can't, I, it was, it started rolling down the, uh, the road towards the house. It wasn't a great shot. Gotcha. And so it was a scramble, so I played somebody else's shot. And, uh, I usually choke up on my irons. Like, so if it's something that you should be able to get there in an eight, I'll hit a six and not swing as hard kind of thing is like my, my style of play.Yup. So. I forgot to not swing as hard. And I hit that. I hit that six and it just bounced off the clubhouse. There was, it was for a benefit thing. So like the dance team was there with their laptops and stuff, checking people in. And I guess it went right by the girl with her laptop. She literally watched it bounce off and, uh, it was just the most.Embarrassing embarrassing shot that I had of, of the day. And luckily I didn't break a window cause I don't know what happens if you break. They actually posted that the golfer is responsible for damaging the clubhouse. So close to the holes. That's what they do at every golf course. Well, that's the dumbest thing ever.Like you literally have to hit. The clubhouse takes to the golfers to actually know how to golf. I didn't seen Springs. I didn't break a window. So there we go. I just hit the brick. So nothing was damaged. Um, would have been a pretty good playable shot if needed, but you know, the way, how far it bounced back, but somebody else had a better shot.So yeah, I hit the, uh, I stopped on the fringe on eight. On my second shot and then somebody else, I think Wayne. All right. Last golf tournament drove me nuts, dude. Cause the one I want to hit on another team with yes, I would hit a beautiful, gorgeous shot. Oh yeah. And then I'm, you know, I'm over there, you know, talking Schmack right.Cause that's what you do when you hit your leg hits. You're like, yeah, that's right. I should be on the tour. Yeah. Wayne steps up and literally like puts his ball, like either right in front of mine or maybe five yards further. I'm like at least once just play yours out of just courtesy. It's just five feet.Well, there was, I was like, forget you Wayne. I'm playing mine. Everybody else played his, but I did play. Uh, that was on a whole 14, I believe. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, forget it. I'm just playing mine. The course I'm playing today is basically in between housing additions. Like, so I played there once and I mean, it's pretty, uh, for somebody who has a nasty slice, it's not a very confident, chorus to be playing on.They expect to be playing my drives too much. Cause I'm not going to put too much behind it. I'm just going to put it in a fairway. So if somebody else messes up, then, then we're good. So, so I say, well, our local course is the reason I corrected my slice because it hooks more than a slice. Yeah. So I, I corrected everything and now I go straight and when I try to slice it, I can't, I can draw it all I want, but I cannot slice anymore.Yeah. Stupid. I'm trying so hard not to, uh, use any innuendos when we talk about golf. They're just so many, I know golf, golf has debt. Oh yeah. The bowling has a everything isn't any window. Yeah. I mean, I just bought two balls. I already have to know exactly. I just had my balls drilled yesterday. Okay. I said I was trying not to.I mean, okay. So that is why we have a morning podcast episode. That's right. And you woke me up, dude. I'm here awakened in, which means that we also haven't fought too long today about what we're talking about. I have thought in exactly 10 minutes on this. Cause that's when I heard the like, uh, in the, in the, uh, In the, in the night podcast, we kind of sometimes can think about it during the day.Maybe make some, you know, that's, that's the difference when we're doing maybe like a real, when also dusty. And I try not to tell each other our topics that way we have surprised me and make me say something, uh, like there's no Zechariah, the Bible that you've believed for like 30 years. That's still, still stinger.Andrew made me call his mom and apologize. After that podcast, I didn't make you call her. I called, I mean, you literally called her and said dusty would like to say something. That's making me call her. No, I just made you apologize. Call her. Okay. So yeah. And she just thought it was funny. I don't, she didn't even remember it, so I didn't even have to apologize.Do you have to apologize for offending somebody or doing something if they don't. That's a good question. I should be a podcast episode. There's a great question. You need to ask for forgiveness. If they forget that the thing ever happened, you just stir up something, right. You know, now they're re mad about, or were they ever even mad or even mad and you're just harping on yourself for nothing.And now you're making it more about you in that situation of asking for forgiveness so that you feel better now. And you're like, oh yeah. Uh, I just want to ask for forgiveness because behind your back, I have just been slamming you about this and this and this and this and this. And there'll be like, what you really.You know, like they didn't even know, but you were talking behind their back, but Hey, I said, sorry, so you can't be mad. I said, sorry. So you need to forgive me. And I feel better about myself for talking, you know, it's just, it's just typical. We would make every, anything about us. Right. So, um, yeah, maybe that's, maybe that's a deeper.Episode later when we just covered it.That's, that's, that's the depth that you get out of. That's your bonus podcast for the day? Just your bonus bucks. It's a two in one, right? I think I've talked about this before, but we've my wife and I we've been doing with our son nostalgia Saturdays, and we on Saturday kind of pick a movie that we liked growing up in the nineties.And so we just kind of. Talk about your favorite movies that you kind of remember growing up? Not the Disney ones. I know you're a big Disney Aladdin and yeah. And looking at me like what's the, hold on. No, I'm looking at you. Cause I'm trying to think of a Disney maybe so I could play off that. I can't even think of any Hannah Montana hand-on was that she's not that old.I mean, my daughter watched her when she was talking about movies that we watched growing up like, oh, hold on. I wasn't rich enough to have Disney. So I don't know. Yeah. I have some of those cassettes, VHS tapes that are worth nothing. Cinderella was that Disney that was Disney. I think. Oh, yes. She's the princess.Yep. Yep. For the Disney princess. Oh yeah. That's all I gotta do is think of the princess. Is snow white. Alison Wonderland. Jasmine. Yup. Well, what was that one? Latin Pocahontas. Pocahontas. All right. That's all I got is what upon was her puzzle? Yes, she a princess. Yes. Let down your hair. Yep. Um, yeah, I just have to think of what my daughter's Halloween costume.And that's how I know Disney. So really I'm using this podcast episode, Andrew, as a way to gather some more ideas cause I'm kind of running out of movies. So I'll tell you the ones that we've watched so far we watched. Uh huh. That's probably that's all time. All right. So I was never, you know, never had had money and could barely watch TV growing up.Right. Insert, sad music. But hook was one of those movies. I watched a lot. I mean, I remember having that on VHS and we would just, we ran that tape to the court. I also watch Mr. Or a little big league or something like that. Little big league. Yeah. The kid who broke his arm rookie of the year. There's that little rookie of the year.Yeah. Okay. And then there's that other one where the, a kid was the CEO and the CEO and the player, like he owned the team. Oh, no, he wasn't a player. He was a coach. He owned it and coach, yeah. That's a little bit later. Yeah, that might be it. We haven't watched that one yet. So we watched hook and then immediately, because this all started by me going like one day from Mrs.Doubtfire. And obviously you see a joke like that and your son doesn't get it. You have to make sure that he gets it. So we watched Mrs. Doubtfire, which then I was like, Well, I can't believe my parents, let me watch this. There's some parts in this movie that I'm like, what, you know, I think it's just seen as an adult now.You're like, wait a minute. I didn't get these jokes that was ever my son's eyes. So we watched Mrs. Doubtfire then hook. And then we watched rookie of the year, little giants. Remember that one where the football team does that soccer. Uh, the green, uh, the big green, we watched that one as well. I got to watch that one.Was it because I played soccer and I went over to, we had a team party. Yeah. It really comes down to, you had friends that had money. And so you'd just watch movies at their house so you can watch these other movies. I watched, I didn't actually watch them at my house. I watched them at my grandparents.Right. And we watched a, or we watched blink check. Nope. Did we watch blink check? No, we didn't watch like Cherokees. So here's a, here's a thing here. This is my opinion. So if somebody is listening that know somebody else don't say it, but we started this nostalgia Saturdays, and it's a big hit. Right. Then all of a sudden Carson's watching with his other parents, some of these nostalgia movies and I'm like, wait, The idea like you were well, we watching over here, like, that's my thing.So I'm just saying, but does the other parent play video games? The other parent doesn't play video games. I will always have that on my. On my side of things. And so you will still always be the fun dad. I was still in Carson's learning, coding, he's learning the unity engine, so were learning how to make games and stuff with his schooling.So that's pretty cool. So we might, once he figures it out, we're thinking about designing a game together. So you should get him that Minecraft. Game or software. I think it's a game, but they, it teaches them coding through while you're doing it. Also have this Harry Potter thing right there. That's by your feet, that's the same kind of concept like, oh, that's cool.But it's not like you're not to use a wand. You actually, where there's any, there's one where we watched Dennis, the menace. Uh, that one is pretty funny, mainly because his brothers are like totally Dennis, the menace kind of kids. And they're just into everything. Always, like I said, Carson, you're basically Mr.Wilson in this movie, like he relates more to the old guy. That's always bothered her, but there was like a couple sections, you know, where, uh, Like, he's like, oh, my dad's always singing songs every day, except for Sundays, because I think it's cause mom and dad wrestle in the bedroom and I think it's because they take their shirts off and I'm like, don't ask any questions.And I was like, golly, I used to watch like my mom, let me watch them. Maybe I always watch the TV version. I always watched the TV show, but, but yeah, so it was just funny, like watching the rewatching, these movies, but we watched Ghostbusters and I kind of look them up and there's a couple of times, like there's a.Uh, scene and Ghostbusters. Cause I think the concept is like a sexual ghost, you know, the gatekeeper and a gate, the gate master, and a gatekeeper need to hook up to, uh, unlock something. And so like it's a very sexual ghost storyline. And so I just, there's a couple of things. I'd just like double tap to skip the scene.But other than that, He liked it. Like it was fun. And I just look them up ahead of time and just we'll skip this part right here. And, uh, yeah. So we've been, we've been messing around with that. I got some more movies, Ghostbusters too, apparently supposed to be pretty good. Uh, karate kid. He hasn't seen that ACE Ventura two because the first one is all about Dan Marino being a.Uh, lady and, you know, there's, there's quite a few, I think Carson would, because it's just ridiculous that he likes that ridiculous humor. And we watched camp nowhere and there was like two kissing scenes back to back as a show, uh, Shay watched growing up. It's like where these kids, the, the, the, uh, the guy that plays the doctor on, uh, back to the.Yeah. Basically, there was one I watched the kids basically hire this dude to like calm their parents into them, going and creating their own summer camp instead of going to all these bad summer camps. And then they have like a parent stay and they have. Fake it it's it's it was actually pretty good. I chose, uh, three ninjas.You ever watched three ninjas probably, but I don't know. You probably don't want to anymore. It's not as great as I remembered it. I watched three Stooges, three Stooges and three ninjas. Uh, then there's three ninjas kick back and I did watch. Yeah. It's uh, I remember that being a lot better than what it was, but maybe it's because I was that age, maybe.I don't know. So definitely very, very cheesy movie in the, my wife and son will not let me forget that I chose that movie. Um, the mask. Yeah. I didn't like it. Uh, kindergarten cop may. It was okay. I remember that one. Um, Cone-heads, nutty, professor, Tom, and Huck. I don't remember that one that, uh, had, uh, Jonathan Taylor, Thomas.Um, go over travel. Jonathan Taylor, Thomas. I haven't heard that name in a minute. Oh, we watched school of rock that came out later. Um, yeah, that was after Hannah Montana. Yeah, I know I threw that one in there cause I knew he would like it. Uh, I want him. Yeah, I wanted to watch it again. That's usually when it comes down to what movie do I want to watch?Uh, the original teenage mutant ninja turtles is on our list. Uh, the Simpsons movie, um, Simpsons movie. Isn't that new? Well, they have like the old ones. They have a bunch of different movies. We've been going through the Simpsons as well. On who on Disney, plus we go get striked. Sorry, come at me, bro. All right.So what I wanted to go through is when I was a youth pastor, back in the day, uh, we used to do like different things in the summer because summers are so many so low in attendance now. Cause people traveling, yada, yada, yada. So I, we did like this cheesy Christian movie thing and we would get like cheese pizza.Basically everything was revolving around cheese, like cheese snacks, cheese pizzas, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Um, sounds fun. It was actually fun. And we would just watch a cheesy Christian movie and kind of sometimes we'd pick them based on how cheesy they were. But I wanted to just kind of go through maybe a list of Christian movies that you remember actually being good, not just.Cheesy. That gives me an idea for how search night, one night do a cheesy movie night. Yes, let's do something besides the lesson that we did last week, we went bowling. You weren't there. I wasn't there. Yeah. If I was there, we would have done a lesson. So I think for me the biggest movie and probably a movie that really launched, um, launched like this new season.Tons of Christian movies coming out was what was it facing the giants. And now we're watched it. You never watched facing the giants? Nope. From what I remember it very good movie. Very well done. The acting's not too cheesy. There is some cheesiness facing the giants. Yep. I, I, I think you're mistaken, sir, but you know, the problem with Christian movies is they have.They're usually a little cheesy on the humor over exaggerated emotion things, you know, and then they're usually. They always have to go into some like super serious. They can't just be funny movies. When you watch a comedy, you don't have like that come to Jesus moment or whatever, of course. But like these, these movies are kind of made in the comedy scene and then they want to get really serious for, are they though?They are, I don't think based. And I think of Christmas movie, I don't think of comedy, unless something Christian calls. Okay. Cause Christian movies always have to be serious. I, every single time. Well, most of them, yes, because they're all focused around. God's love and yeah. Thank you to Jesus. Well, you should watch facing the giants or maybe we should have movie night.We can watch faith in the times together and you're just want to do a nostalgic. I, yeah, I, I remember that coming out and we showed that to like football teams. Like it's very football heavy, um, as far as the storyline, but I mean, obviously has this serious moments as well, but then. I'm thinking it was like a church that made that movie, like a football movie.I'm watching hometown legend, hometown legend. That is a good, I mean, that's kind of older too. That's nostalgia and a Christian movie, hometown legend. Yeah. Okay. I used to wash out and loop and dusty, you stay at my house all the time because we used to watch, remember the Titans like, oh yes. Our Bible. And so we watched that movie.So when hometown legend came out, I think we're just really in the football movies in general, a hometown legend came out. And I remember that being like, Hey, this is really good. Maybe not as good as remember. But it's really good movie. And because dusty and I could not, it wasn't, I don't remember it being super cheesy.It probably was, but I don't remember it being a super cheesy movie. I've watched it. Semi-recently at, I don't think so. Hometown legend, if you haven't watched it added to your list and, uh, yeah. And so this church, when they did the facing the giants, they basically branched into. Now we're a church that makes movies all the time.Cause it went from like a $10,000 budget and much more. And so they have like movies, like courageous. I can't remember if they made God church made the movie. Yeah. Church made the movie. And so like the pastor was this character, you know, like it was made with like a $10,000 budget or something like that.Like if I remember all this correctly, Fact check me. So make sure get into movie making. We can make the comedies that have nothing to do. You know, I think they even made, yeah, they made a, still have a serious come to Jesus moment. You're like jokey, jokey, jokey, jokey. Oh, father God. We pray for this guy and make it really serious.Somebody almost died. What were those? The movie spoofs that always came in. They made fun of the screen. Yeah. What was that called? I don't know, but that's what we could do. We could totally just remake these low budgets. Christian. We're shutting down. Mama's on the podcast. Let me go steal our idea. Um, that's a fine, we'll probably never do it, but we should do it.That would just be funny. Just even make them as short. I mean, we have a YouTube channel. Why don't we do something? We don't post anything and we did one, one actual video. Yeah. Didn't even get a. Yeah, it was like two or 300 bees. It's not like crazy, but, um, fireproof, I think that was a good movie. That was definitely more serious.They, I remember that one. That was one about the fireman. The title given away, actually the picture did fireproof. That's when Kirk Cameron got into the, uh, into this Christian movie, uh, besides left behind, you know, he was really big at getting that off the ground. He got tired of his sister, always having the attention.God's not dead. I remember that being a. A big one for the main mainstream theaters, big ones. The, uh, I can only imagine. I can only imagine which I, I never watched that one. It's kind of, I don't know, like I'm not a movies person, like you are, I'm definitely not a movies person. I'm not a. I'm not a big movie.I'm a big Ted lasso fan. Let's let's watch me, like give me like a 10 part series, you know, and let it be funny. Only nothing serious. Gosh, dude, for me, just give me a Minecraft YouTube series. I'm good. I don't wanna watch movies. I don't watch Minecraft. I CA I hate watching movies. Oh, the shack was the shack of Christian.Yes, I actually, that was a book we actually read. And then watch the movie. That's like the first time it's ever happened in history. For me, for you. I read a book before the movie. Yes. Not only, no, no, no, no, no, not just before the movie, I read a book and watched the land watch really the emphasis there is I read a book.Well, technically, if you want to talk about that, then we did the same thing with the prince of Egypt. We read through the book of Exodus as our house church, and then we watched the movie prince of Egypt. Yep. Thanks. Alex used to watch how doesn't listen to this podcast. She would talk about that movie every week.She's like, oh, I know this because I was in the prince of every time, every time that we bring up a point she's like, and in the prince of Egypt, they did, we got to watch them. All right. So now we have to watch prince of Egypt time. We did, and we did, and it was great. There's a lot of Christian movies out there nowadays is Narnia considered.Cause Narnia was released mainstream. It doesn't have to be, we have my mom considers it. I mean that when every, whenever it hit the theater, she was taking my brothers to watch it. But I mean, it doesn't actually say. It's just a lot of symbolism. Right. Which is basically every Christian worship song nowadays.It's just more symbolic sayings. And just say the real thing, guys, listen. Can't cause then it's a hymnal. When you're seeing scripture, it turns it into a hymnal. Not really a there's a, oh shoot. I forget what rapper did it, but essentially wrapped just a bunch of different verses in the. And it turned out to be a great rap, like Psalms, where it'd be like one piece of scripture from judges, a piece of scripture from Ruth, a piece of scripture from John and it all flowed together.It was really nicely put together. I'll find it and send it to you. Okay. Okay. Well, I don't, I don't recall that being a, uh, okay. Cause you don't listen to the same type of music I do. I just don't even listen to the radio. I saw him. He don't listen to the radio either. I listened. How do you find new songs?If you don't listen to radio Pandora? That's that's basically, Nope. That's not the radio. That's a streaming service. I'm pretty sure it says, if you go to Pandora, I click Pandora and then I continue with Pandora and this. It's a station. Yep. Not radio. It's a streaming stuff. What are you streaming on? My radio.Okay. Stereo stoplight. I don't, I can't cancel. Cancel. Okay. I think I probably just signed up for Pandora. I just clicked a bunch of buttons to see a song and then I should get a part of that to be. I was the reason he got Pandora. And or if you want to sponsor me, you're getting royalties. Yep, man. I have proof that it was me that got him to sign up for Pandora.I still believe that just came out. That's supposed to be like that Jeremy camp song. That was a good one too. This is Jeremy Camporee married. Yes. And like he is still like trade with his wife who passed away. Yeah. And his current wife helps him celebrate. Yeah. Yeah. That's she understands. It's weird to me.I mean, he's still doing too, like, but that song came out so long ago. That's his, you say so long ago, that was 2006 ish. I think, I don't know, 2003, maybe. I don't know that song is older than my child, which point? So he's been touring for 14 years. Singing that song, like he's still doing it now with like a music video.I saw some clip, just like the music video or some, or the clips of this movie playing behind him. I don't know. It's just, you know, in the, in the grief, in the healing process at some point, I mean, I get it. I know. What's what, it's just, it'd just be weird to me. So like I'm always going to be. Yeah. Well, I mean, what about all these soldiers, wives who, or spouses who their spouses get killed overseas to me because he's playing this song every, every week, every day.Like, it's not like. Yeah. And the spouses are posting about their soldier, spouses who didn't come home almost every day, every week after they're remarried. Yep. So what you're saying, or, I mean, think about a fireman or a cop, or just anyone who is widowed and they still want to honor their significant other.Huh? I mean, to me, it's not weird. It's just in remembrance. I know it's remembrance, but that seems like a little more than in remembrance, I guess. Well, yeah, to them, it was the love of their life, their true love. So I get remained. I don't know, we are completely honest. They have more love to give and they, they just want to have sex.Sandra, you know, that's the case. No, not always. Listen. I have I'm legally, I'm friends with multiple people who have lost spouses and, well, I guess they didn't remarry, but they're constantly posting. That's what I'm saying. If you are entering into a new marriage relationship. And, but then you're constantly like comparing that person to your first.I don't know. It's just, I mean, they're not necessarily comparing. I mean, it's not like they're going up to your spouse and being like, oh my, my dead spouse would do it this way. Yeah. You never died for anything. Whether their spouse didn't die for anything either they just died. Well, I guess the soldiers, yes, they did.That was talking about the soldiers. I was, I was going at the Jeremy camp side. She just had cancer passed away. I dunno, I, I got off topic. I don't want to be on this time. Like, Nope. We're contentious topic. I have no podcast three in one. I just saw the movie in his mouth. 15 years later, after being remarried.He still milking that stuff. And you are still milking this topic for not wanting to be on it because like, I dunno. Like maybe all his other records didn't really do as well. And so he, but they did that. It's kind of like mercy me. I can only imagine on every freaking album they ever released because that remade every time they ever, you know, like, it's like, that's the song that gets us the sales.And so I'm just going to milk this thing. As long as I can with every version possible, you are cynical and everything you do, aren't you? I am pretty cynical, especially when it comes. So these kinds of things, but sex music, no, just what was it the other day you profiting, profiting off of story, you know, and you know, I don't know.It's whatever, I'm very cynical. I think it was a very jaded pastoring. Oh, pastor pay. That was a topic we talked about the other day that you were very cynical about. Well, you're just cynical in general. It's just, why is this just now hitting? Jesus came in. Normally nobody agreed with how he did things.All right. So maybe I'm more like Jesus than you are just goes with the flow. And I literally say every week at house church, I am the one who says I relate to Jesus. Well, I am switching it because if you're just going with the status quo and saying, Hey, the way the world decides to do this is the way that God wants to do it and stop questioning it.Then maybe you're the problem. Have you ever known me to go with the status quo? You are defending the status quo. I'm not defending my defending the status quo all the time. When name one pastor says. It's not necessarily a status quo. I mean, the flow is lower of what you say. The pastor shouldn't get paid.Hey, I just wanted to get a shout out to our Australian friend that is offering to teach or to a. W where's he at? I think it's Brett, but I just want to make sure they're going to get a good dude. Let's just shout out. Just say shout out to our Australian friend. I'm pretty sure your name is Brett. Shout out to Australian friend who might name his brand.I can't because otherwise we're just kind of a lie, but listen, you wanted a longer podcast and this is why we cut the podcast short, because this is where it goes and it goes. These types of, and it just us arguing about something that neither of us have facts or any kind of data to back up at this moment.We just say random stuff. We're just saying random stuff. Somebody's going to get mad and. You know, that's just what happens. It's going to be dusty. Cause I don't care. I, I actually, I mean, somebody who's listening is going to go. Gotcha. You know what I mean? Negative reviews we get for talking about like, well, it's funny.I love reading their names. I think they're hilarious. So we've got a couple of Karen's in our. Yeah, we do. And it's always, and it's always like, I wanted to listen to a nice enlightening Christian podcast and I found you guys and you're just joking around. And does he literally put in our title, Christian comedy pause is why I put comedy is so that you guys would know we are not serious.Just we're just arguing. And Andrew just likes to argue about nothing. And therefore Andrew likes to just argue. The opposite side of any situation, whether or not I like to it's. I can, I can, I can always see both sides. You like to, you like to argue and therefore the guy who keeps saying it out, we are arguing about who likes to argue.I think dusty likes target. Kind of like to argue with myself once you're gone, I will have a conversation with you later, Andrew, and I will make this argument with you later when you were not present. And it's always like, oh, why didn't I say that? No, I say it to you, which is just when you're not here.And I win the argument and is squashed pretty much how I treat every relationship that I have. And that is why we can be friends. Uh, okay. I don't know where we're at now, but we'll just stop it here. And you guys can have a longer extended version of a podcast three and one guys. That's like the Trinity a podcast.We're going to get canceled. Aren't we in this? Yeah, you can't cancel me if I just stopped recording episodes to begin with. Yeah. Okay. I don't know where guys have a good one. Hope you have a good week. I'll let you know how my golf game goes today. Tomorrow. Hopefully it just gets rained out so I can just stay at home and play video games.I'll see you later. Take it easy.

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Is That Really in the Bible?
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Andrew brings up different phrases that maybe we have heard before, but are they actually biblical? Dusty learn about a new book in the bible :-) and has to apologize to Andrews mother.
Here's a automated transcript of the podcast :-)
Hey everyone. Welcome to the Bible belt. That's the hot room. Hey everyone. Welcome to the Bible belt bros podcast. Say dusty, you're getting better. And then you did this weird slang thing at the end of. Um, I'm trying some things out the last four weeks now you've been trying things out. It's not working.Go back to the original. Now you go find a good my day. He used to be just welcome to the Bible belt, bro. She didn't have to say all those crazy things. Exactly. Anyways, how are you doing? Uh, I'm doing great. Do in fantastic. Good, good websites. Making videos, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. I hope they're good videos.Um, I dunno. I, you know, so today actually at the office, we have every workstation in our office. We have like webcams and stuff so that we can, um, spy on each other spy on each other. So we can create content because we do have like a digital marketing online. School that we're kind of creating as we're working.So like basically if we're working on something and we don't have a video, a how to video, how to do it themselves, we need to record the how to video while we're doing it. We've had quite a few interns from oral Roberts university that have a marketing degree, then they show up and they have. They know theories, but they have no application practiced it.And so what we're trying to do is at ORU, they're having us come, come and teach periodically as well as we're giving each student this course that they can. Learn the practicality of it as they leave college. So it's kind of a cool thing, especially for a guy who didn't go to college to be teaching kids who paid what, 20 to 30 grand for a degree.And then they still have to learn from the guy who doesn't have the degree to do it. So it was pretty funny. And the teacher, the professor, she was like, dusty, can, can you talk, but just don't, don't tell them they're wasting their time. And I was like, don't tell them, I won't tell them, but you know, I'm think they better off just, you know, interning somewhere at 20 grand, you know, expenses instead of learning from you, which then yeah.Anyway, so it's just, it's kind of, it's kind of funny. So I'm making a lot of videos, but today I realized there's like levels of production quality when it comes to a YouTuber or a streamer. I like you have a, you could, most people, they start out, there's a $50 webcam that you can buy and it gets you gets you through.And then there's this one here, Andrew, uh, from work that I brought here, which is $200. So you just get much better. Uh, color quality there's um, I don't know how to explain notice it's next to like your $20 one. Yeah. I actually did a side by side just trying to see the difference. That's why I brought it here and I was doing some streaming.I plan my streaming around when I'm going to bring the equipment home, you know, so I was doing a side-by-side and this is $200. And this basically you get more. Color profile options. So instead of just red, blue, green, white, which is that kind of, you get red shade of red, one shade of red two, you know, those kinds of things.So you're just getting more colored difference. So you're getting a better picture quality, but we also have at work Sony, a seven threes, which is about a $2,000 body. And then we have another $2,000 lens on top of that. And that would be like the next step up from like a $200 thing is to go ahead and get a full on.Digital camera that can do video 4k video. And so typically most of those kinds of DSLR cameras, you have to buy like this adapter and it's a few hundred dollars to get it all hooked up correctly. And then you got to have a computer that's worth like being able to receive that much information at once and pushing it out.And so today, Joking with my boss. And I was just like, I'm just going to go see what it is, you know, because my boss is one of those guys. He's like, let's just buy the best thing. Let's stop. Let's don't level up. Let's just buy the best thing. That's how I live, dude, if you're going to do it, do it right.Yeah, exactly. So I was like looking around and apparently since the. Time lately, they've actually have a driver now for this specific camera that you can download the driver. And now it's able to process this computer feed or this a video feed, basically process it to be read by a computer. So you can basically use this $4,000 setup for your webcam, which is the, the goal.You don't have any extra adapters, any other things you have to install? Side your computer. And so today, so today after spending money having $200 webcams on everybody's desk, I realized crap, we already had this stuff for free. I just had to plug it in. And now we have this $4,000 camera as our main streaming camera.So it's, it's not my money. So I guess it's okay. My dog's got a squeaky toy. It's just, I'm going to have to break her.Okay.And a little bit you can play with it. Okay. Um, so, so that's going to be an odd edit right there that I think it's just leave it in. Maybe. So that's that's today. That was my day-to-day was going, Hey, you remember how I had you buy all this camera equipment? Now? It still makes more sense. Cause we also do like looms with our clients now, which is like a zoom, but it's a one-way zoom.And so we can record a video, send them a link instead of having to send them a video file and they can stream it. Google. Oh, nice. There's a, just a button on a Google. Yeah. You just hit record and then send them basically a screenshare. So we're, we're all still needing cameras for, and we're not going to set up the Sony cameras every time we want to do like a 32nd.Hey, just so you know, I changed this for you. If you have any questions, let me know, you know, those kinds of things were just so, you know, you spent a grand in ads this month. Here's where your money. Let me know if you need catch. And so that's usually my conversations on, on the phone that you can use, uh, that I think has a computer app for it as well, but, but it's screen shares.Like I pulling up their Google ads account and going through keywords. Okay. And so. So, yeah, so, so it's still like, not a waste of money. It's not like I bought a complete waste. It's not a complete waste of money, but we probably didn't need as many cameras as we have because then your boss doesn't listen to this podcast.I know. Yeah. Well, well I already joked with him. I was like, Hey, you're going to hate me. I figured out how to do this for free. So sorry. Oh, my gosh, I get this job. I just like showed him. I was like, he's like, it looks like a million times better. Like that's all he cared about was how much, at least you found a better way.So that kind of, so basically he said, so all this gaming and nerding out and streaming and stuff, it's actually paying off for me because he's getting all the good equipment he's getting better and maybe it'll pay off for me. Cause then I'll just like, gotta test it. Got to bring it home. Gotta be sure it works properly.Now, you know, you don't need this one at work. You can be like, now I just have this one at home. I'm just, I'm working from home. I'm just gonna work from home. I want to do pretty good quality video here. Yeah, I'm just going to leave this one at the house. If we ever need it, I'll bring it in. So whenever you need it, just go borrow one of somebody else's.Yeah, so that was my day-to-day was finding out that he might've spent a lot of money, a thousand dollars more than he needed to. And that's no big deal. He's made the money. It's all good. It's the resell values there. If you want to be. Fisher you came in with a topic today. I decided you did last week's topic.I do this week's topic. So this one's going to be about you. Yup. Yup. I mean, last week was all about you actually. I don't even remember what the cast is all about me. Oh yeah. Last week was your youth pastor thing or don't send you, you're absolutely tired by the way. I'm still okay. That's good. Good, good.So, uh, pulling an Andrew luck. I'm just staying retired unless there's money. Andrew luck. Oh gosh, you brought it up, dude. There's a dude who bought $50,000 worth of Andrew luck cards as an investment. And then angels luck retired. Oh, he brought the full. I mean, that's a good investment at the time, at the time.Yeah. And there's like a lot like dose by and dose at 40 cents looked good at the time. I mean, it's still great at 20 cents now. I'm still positive on those dude. Even with me buying it at 46 cents, I'm still positive. Really? Yeah. It's. I guess this exact moment. Hold on one second. Um, it is at a I'm pulling it up right now.Look at him. Dose is at 24. Ah, there we go. So I bought a bunch of doge when it was at like 4 cents and 6 cents. That's smart, smart investing. And that's buying Andrew luck card before he retires. Yes. So I'm still positive. I'm just not as positive as I was when it was at, you know, You know, there were reports that technically the value could still go up because one, there were reports.People thought he might be coming back this year. Cause winds got hurt. Oh, you're talking about, oh look, no dose dose just gone. Gotcha. No, he posted, you know, a couple of weeks ago or something that he's not coming back. Well, you say that now. I don't say that he said that well, but you know, like I think he's from what I've heard, he's very content person.And so I can't remember what he's doing now, but I think the reports came out cause he like showed up at some high school and was just like throwing the ball around with them. Oh, my gosh, he's coming. He's coming back. He's he's getting out love for the game. Again. He's falling in love with the game and really he's just interviewing for a high school job, probably like he's probably interviewing for a coaching job, you know, my biggest fear, right?What's is that Tom Brady, who is dominated my Packers, who has dominated just my NFL fan life for years because he is the second goat will finally retire and I will be so happy. And then Tampa bay hires him as their NFL head coach and he continues. To be just as good as a coach, as a player because of his smarts.He cause the reason he's a good player, isn't his athleticism as much as it is as how smart he is, you know? So I know, you know, I could, players don't become great coaches do usually, but sometimes they can, but like Deion Sanders, uh, you know, you can't say great offensive coach. Not necessarily you be a coordinator, but I'm just going to say, he's not going to retire and leave.Like I want him to, he's going to retire and still be there and being annoying. He's like, Bug that fly never leaves. And you're just like, Brady, can you give Rogers one year, please? Just one year without you, without your name of your it's not happening to stupid friends and just, and really it should, it's literally just Brady and Gronk.That's it? Those, that combo is deadly. I mean, in one, in one Tampa bay of fricking Superbowl, I just two people, man. He's one of those guys you can't, it's like, as you started to hate. Yeah. Dude is a goat, a goat, not the goat. Here's the goat to you, Joe Montana. That's a debate that maybe for a different day, like the goats always going to be Michael Jordan, right, right.A hundred percent. It's you can't physically side-by-side compare them. So as an older person, as the leagues change the leaks change and they didn't really play together in their primes, you know? So like as an older person, he's always going to be Michael Jordan, but as the younger kids, Who don't even remember nine 11.It's always going to be dirt guys that I played with in that youth band that I was talking about last week was he, he was like, I was like, yeah, I moved here in 2003 and he goes, I wasn't even born yet. I was like, leave crazy. You moved here in three. I moved here and S. Five. Yeah, it was few years. A couple years after me.I thought it was six. It was actually five. At some point the younger generation is going to be our generation and age. And they're not even going to remember. It's like when people talk about wilt, Chamberlain being the goat, I don't know. I've never saw his game. I never seen the highlights. Technically it's bill Russell.If you're going to read. Yeah, well then like then I even know less, you know, like that's what I'm saying. Like, it's just at some point, the goat's going to change just based on people's personal experience. Still going to say Jordan. And yeah, I guess Jordan would, in my lifetime era, Jordan was the Tom Brady of, of a hundred percent.He w like, anytime Jordan was playing, you were like, well, crap. Yeah. But, but yeah, bill Russell has more rings than anyone. And so it wasn't hit the team. Bill Russell was on, it was obviously bill rose there as many teams in that time and were called different. It was a lot. Truly different, which is why, when you put all that aspect into it, Jordan is still better.That's why I loved the Olympics basketball stuff is because they were not calling those ticky tack fouls in the U S the reason they lost that first game was because they're jumping into, as they're trying to jump into people, and then they're going, where's the call? And they're like, that's only a felony MBA because you guys lobby for fouls.Yes. 'cause you guys like to, you know, lift up LeBron, James and cry about everything. Yeah. Hm. Cause I, my blood pressure is going to increase and I just can't do that right now. Not right now. So let's go into our topic for the day. All right. I called us all here today. Dusty. Yep. You have the floor. So not gonna break into song this week.Praise the Lord. We're going to talk. What you think is in the Bible, but it's actually not. Okay. Kind of just things that you've heard or especially you've been in the ministry much longer than I have, but gosh, what have you always been told? And I'll tell you, obviously, things I've been told that everyone thinks is in the Bible, but it's not.Okay. Do you have a list of things? Maybe, maybe you can ask some, like phrases, a question in a way, and then I have to guess. Okay. Um, well Mike, have you heard this. I mean, you're going to have to come up with the real ones too then. Yeah. Yeah. That would be hard to get ya. Have you heard that there were three wise men?Well, yeah. Yeah. Three wise men, uh, follow Jesus. But I know it's not, there's not, there was like 300 something like that. Right? Three gifts. There were three gifts. Yes. Uh, I'm actually trying to bring up, there we go. Yes. There are three gifts. It doesn't meet. Say that there were three wise, men just says three gifts were presented and it actually says the wise men, uh, the wise men went.It's just harder to do a Christmas play. If you're having to get 300 Wiseman to show up on stage at once. Hi, how mean I get 300 people to show up in church in general. You know, what about this? Have you ever heard that Jonah was swallowed by a whale? Yes. Yup. So does the Bible specifically say it was.Well, it was, does it say it's a fish? It says it's a great fish, a great fish. And so I think theoretically it has to be like a whale because of the possibility like that is actually possible to be swallowed by. Uh, is that the one that eats like algae sta no, it eats dead things. Usually it can swallow. I watched shark week not well week.Well, okay. This goes along with shark week, a grouper can swallow a shark hole. Oh, that's. Scary. So a grouper, I believe if I'm right, the grouper, they, it, Lee lives at like the furthest depths of the ocean. And it actually, because it's pitch black down there, it has like this light on it's for it's like finding Nemo.I don't know. I didn't find an email. There's a F they go all the way down and then, then there's like this fish with the light in front of it. Yes. Okay. So that would be a grouper. Okay. And they are these massive. Ugly things. Yeah. This one was pretty ugly, but it wasn't like a whale site. So what about this?Have you ever heard the saying money is the root of all evil? Yes. And I know where you're going with this cause it's the love of money and all kinds of evil. So it's not just all these. So that's not just saying every evil thing is a root of is the love of money. But love of money can be the root of a lot of things.Yes. A lot of evil things. Interesting. That, that one, I, that had a twist. I didn't know that one. Yup. So there's also, um, I don't speak Hebrew. Do you shut it a lot now? Where are you gonna sayI was actually, and this isn't on a list or anything, but I was watching tick talk earlier. Okay. And, uh, for some reason I get this Jewish guy who knows Hebrew because I have to be Jewish. Cause that's what he is. He said he was Jewish, but they use the Torah. Yes. And so that's one of the reasons he knows Hebrew is that the first 13 books of the old Testament.So the according to him and in the Torah, the very first word, you know, the F the first sentence in, uh, in the beginning. Yeah, in the beginning. Okay. Well, in the Torah, the very first word, and I can't say the word because I don't speak Hebrew and I don't know how to pronounce pronunciate it, but the translation for that word is in a beginning.NAB beginning, not in the beginning, but in a beginning. So not the only beginning. Exactly time, time. How many mornings were there according to, well, on earth, there's in the beginning, then there's the Noah. And then there's the new beginning with Jesus. Right. So yes, but yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I G I see what you're doing there, but even the, the NOAA beginning would still be court, but all three of those still respond to, or court correlate to the same V beginning.Yeah. Because Noah would still be our linkage to Adam and Eve. Could also translate to, you know, in Cain killed Abel right. Came banished and went and married. But like, where did, like, there was other people on earth at the same time, like where those people come from, you know, like that kind of right. All right.Let's go with this. What about Mike did cause um, quote, my Dick is in the Bible. His Mike did cause quote, when he was fired from the Chicago bears. Okay. Which is this too shall pass. Oh, that's not in the Bible. No. So this actually comes rather, they say that's in the Bible. Well, he, he got it confused with the phrase it came to pass, which is in the Bible over 400 timesminor, minor difference. That's right. But I mean, if you're quoting scripture, you should quote it correctly. Not form it, how you want it to say the truth behind it. If it came to pass me. And then all of a sudden, or. It past it. Well, it's like when you're telling your story and like, and so anyways, you know, then you go to the next step where this too shall pass means more like that has way more depth to it.As far as any trial, you go through with this too, shall pass Jesus. You know, like, but I mean, you try, you go through, it came to pass, you know, that's just how the different ring do it, you know? Right. But same time we still shouldn't bend the Bible to how, what we want a quick story. I'll interrupt you here.Oh, nice. One time. Your mom. And Isaid, that was weird. I think you hear it. So your mom and I, we were having some debate or argument and now it's acceptable. Cause you said I was there and I'm like, wait, what? We were having some debate or argument. And I was completely wrong in this situation. I can't remember what it was, but I said, well, in Zachariah nine 12, it says this and your mom was like, oh it does.And I was like, Janet, I can't lie. There's no Zachariah in the Bible. Maybe she thought you said Zachariah, maybe. I don't know what, maybe she thought I said, what Zechariah. That's not in the Bible either. You don't know, there's not a Zechariah anyway. I, I felt bad immediately when she actually took that lie.Cause it was a complete joke and she was right about whatever she was arguing about. But yeah. Anyway, so that's another thing, like if you get in an argument, just quote a book of the Bible, that's not in the Bible. Like the pastor joke would be well in first opinions, chapter two, but you can just name a biblical character in Noah chapter three, it says this, you know, people might not realize that there's not a book called.That's in the Bible. I always use second opinion, second opinion. Okay. Dusty. I want you to do something for me because I had to have proof before I did this. I want you to pull out your phone real quick. I want you to remember what you just said. What's that just say, you're going to, it's going to come up in just a second.Oh, you said, so go to your body, go to your Bible app. I know you have the Bible app on your phone. Okay. All right. Go to the books of the Bible. Yes. Okay. And you're in at the beginning, right? Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus numbers, Deuteronomy John. Okay. So slowly scroll down. Well, okay. So it should be Genesis first Kings down at the bottom.Yeah. All right, go ahead and scroll the Proverbs real quick. I'm gonna go slow. Uh, I mean, I want you to, I want this to, yeah, I'm here. All right. Now, uh, go down to go ahead and go to Joel. Okay. Okay. Now I go to Habak Habbakuk BEC book. Yep. Okay. Now I want you to read the next one. Zephaniah. What's the next.Hi guy. What's the next one? This is accurate.There's a saccharine saccharine one. Oh, wait. In the eighth month of the second year of Derrius, the word of the Lord came to the prophet, Zachariah, Baraka, and son of . Did you say America? Baraka sounds like America, America. Well, why does it any pastors preach on the word? I did not know that there was a saccharine, Janet.I apologize this whole time. I thought I made that. Apparently, I was just smart. Mom, I got your back now. I gotta see, I gotta remember what we were fighting about to see if it was in Zachariah man, years and years have passed. You drove me like, so like go to Genesis. No to exit is right now. I didn't say jumped down to certain greens.I got what I wanted to make sure you are going slow. Right. Okay. Going one book at a time. So when you saw Zechariah, you were like, what? I got the reaction now. I said, Zachariah, this is Zechariah. That's what I said. Maybe she thought you said Zachariah. You idiot. That's not even in the Bible either. Um, I'm uh, I'm interested to read what Zechariah says, man.Measuring the, with the line. Okay. Clean garments for the high priest. All right. The gold land stand and the two olive trees. That sounds like an interesting story. That sounds like Exodus. The flying scroll. Okay. For cherry is that sounds like something that would be in a movie justice and mercy, not fast.Whoa, that could be controversial. Maybe that's why people don't realize that maybe we'll have a podcast in the coming weeks. Zachariah. Exactly. Yeah. We needed to do a Zechariah podcast chapter by chapter. Okay. Yeah, I can't do that. We can, we can possibly do that. So back to what we were talking about though.Yeah. Okay. Have you ever heard that God works in mysterious ways? He always does. Amen. Hallelujah. Yup. But that's not in the Bible either. Uh, matter of fact, it is a very true ish statements, but, um, Isaiah 55. Does remind us that God's ways are different from our ways. Um, but no biblical proffer, prophet ever uttered that God works in mysterious ways, uh, about, I love the sinner.Hate the sin. Oh yeah. That's gotta be manmade a hundred percent. It's manmade. Now this goes back to the biblical time. But it's not in the Bible is actually Augustine who wrote a line that says with love for mankind and hatred for sins. So yes, it goes back to the biblical times, but it was an actual, I just thought it was something pastors made up in the last 10 years to be honest.So it actually went back to the fifth century with Augustine. So what do you, what have you heard? That's not actually in the Bible. Um, well, can you talk about Thai army, dude, if you want to go beat that horse dead, we can hit it again. Oh, here's one. I don't know. God will not give you more than you can handle.Well, well, and then, okay, then we can just go to like Philippians four 13. I can do all things through Christ that versus always misused, always misuse on no matter what you're doing, God will give you the power to accomplish it. Whether or not it's his will or not. You know, I use that to this day, but really I'm upset that the context is that, that through trials and hardships through pain and suffering, Like you can get through it.Like it's not that you're going to triumph over the team that you're playing or a triumph over the job that you're trying to get is that when you don't try and even those things that God was still there and he could do all things for him. Right? Yup. So it was just funny, like, yeah. That's, that's the big sports one, right?Yes. Yes it is. Yeah. Teebo another one. God helps. Those who help themselves. I haven't heard that one. What have you never heard? God, it sounds like a Republican statement. If I've ever heard one Republican, like, you know, like just working for what year and of getting government handouts. Well, I actually think so.I got this idea one firm take talk to the idea for this topic two from a post on Facebook, which is this exact title. And I actually think it was my dad who I saw a post on it, and it was, God will help those who help themselves. Although in Romans five eight, it actually says the exact opposite because it says we were unable to do them without Christ.Yeah. And I with when it comes to salvation, now that is a misconception. We can never do any, we can never do enough to earn salvation. You know, and sometimes we, even, after becoming a Christian, we feel like we still have to do enough and we will never do enough. Like you can, you can continue to serve God every day, but that's never going to be enough.And that's the whole point. All right. Enough has been done from the Lord. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, Andrew. Those are just a few things dusty that I've heard over the years. And, uh, and this list told me about which reminded me that I heard over the years. And sometimes it's good because for somebody like me, I've basically since nine years old, been in church.And so there's a lot of things like that that I think I know. And which kind of makes me not read my Bible as much as I should, because I've heard it all. You know, I've never heard of Zechariah. I just never know. Tell me a pastor, if you're a pastor and you've ever preached on Zechariah, let me know, because I do not think I've ever heard that anywhere.So, so actually, if you were at house church a few weeks, You would have known there's a Zechariah. Why is that? Because weeks ago I was, no, you are playing at the youth again. Yeah. And literally Zechariah came up in our Zechariah. Oh my God. It did. It actually came up. That's why you knew it is exactly. So when you said there wasn't a Zechariah, I immediately pulled out my.I said there wasn't a Zack Araya is true, but I said, Zechariah. And you said, well, there's not that either. Which is when I pulled out my phone and I had to find where it was. Cause I was, I knew it was in the old test medicine aware in the old Testament and I had to do this traumatic reveal for you. And so I actually, and I passed it the first.I'll be honest. And I was like, Ooh, maybe he's right. Listen to everybody remembers the first quarter of the new Testament books, but nobody cares about the middle section for halftime. Then we pick it back up. Yeah. I have time. I had an in Matthew. Garbage time, halftime garbage. He cares about those garbage time points.You know, that's why they threw Zechariah Ryan in there. I got, I don't even, have you ever heard Malakai though? I've heard of Malika. That's the very end, right? That's like that two minute drive at the end of before. It was well that's. I mean, that's, before that two minute drive at the end, a halftime, like you, you have a game you're watching, you're watching football.It starts off great. You're in there every moment. Then you're like getting some snackies, getting some drinks you're going outside. I may throw stuff on the grill. You come back. There's like two minutes left till halftime, which is Malakai. You watch that final drive get hit half time. Boom. Matthew comes out strong.Yeah, that's in Genesis when Genesis wow. Revelation wins it all. Yeah. And then you kind of, don't like, You don't really care about the three Johns Jude, you know, but then you get to revelations and we're back in there because this is where what's where boys become men right here, revelations and kind of in the middle, you know, Matthew, mark, Luke, and John, it's just the same planes over and over.Same, you know, preplanned plays and they come out and plays nothing, no tricking trick. They're not doing anything crazy. You know, then you get the James and you start saying some weird things like, okay, now I look into the middle of the game right now. That's crazy, bro. I mean a flea flicker when they're tied.Oh my goodness. Onside kicking after that. Oh my goodness. So yeah, nobody cares about those middle books as much, maybe like maybe one or two, but you know, Zechariah is right there in now was probably getting some snacks, getting some, you know, going to the bathroom, get ready for that two minute into the halftime.He was eating his oranges before half time. And his mom brought well, thanks guys for tuning in this was a fun one. Hopefully enjoyed it. Let me know if there's things that we didn't think of. Um, or if he ever preached out of the book of Zachariah. Cause I would legitimately like to know, because I would put some money that, I mean, there's going to be one idiot that did one time, but other than you're.You're an idiot because you're listening to this podcast with two idiots in the Bible belt talking about what is in or not in the Bible. And apparently I don't even know if it's in there in the Bible. So I see why you retired from youth ministry. Yup. I'm not teaching children anymore. Have a good one guys.